Call for Lightning Talks
We are soliciting 1-2 page extended abstracts targeting work involving robot hardware, and especially encourage the presentation of “positive” and “negative” results (opportunities and challenges) that otherwise might have trouble finding a suitable venue. We hope this will be an opportunity to not just connect researchers working on hardware with each other, but also give them access to feedback from both academic and industry professionals. We are particularly interested in work that discuss:
- Critical software and hardware debugging experiences and insightful failed algorithmic and system level research attempts that are typically not “publishable”,
- Aggregated “best practice” suggestions for getting up to speed on new robot hardware and for developing hardware and software infrastructures that enable rapid prototyping and easy deployments,
- Surprising discoveries gleaned from deploying algorithms onto physical robots,
- Work from early career students and professionals
A Hybrid Lightning Talk Format
All lightning talks will follow the model of ICRA 2022 where we will require all accepted lightning talks to submit a maximum 3 minute video describing their work before the start of the conference. Quoting from ICRA 2022 “For authors who are attending in person, we will play the video without sound and you will present; think about the video as an automatically advancing powerpoint presentation. For authors who are remote, we will play the video with sound.” Immediately following the lighting talks we will have breakout sessions with Q&A for the lightning talks.
Submission Instructions
Abstracts should be submitted as 1-2 page PDFs following the standard RSS conference format by Friday, May 13, 2022 Deadline extended to Friday, May 20th (23:59 AoE) to EasyChair.
Following the model set by the main RSS conference we are going to use a double-blind review process. Authors should not list their names on the title page, and reasonable anonymity should be maintained in the paper. Please see the main RSS author information page for more information about double-blind reviews.
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline:
Friday, May 13, 2022Deadline extended to Friday, May 20th (23:59 AoE) - Author Notification: Thursday, May 26, 2022
- Final Abstract PDF and Video Submission Deadline: Thursday, June 23, 2022 (23:59 AoE)
- Workshop: July 1, 2022
Contact bplancher@barnard.edu with any questions regarding this workshop.